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Publising the assignment

Are you uploading the homework specification as a PDF or ZIP to a university webpage? Making changes to such documents is laborious and error-prone: you need to edit the document, export it, and upload it. If you want to make this easier, then you might try an alternative: use GitHub and GitHub Pages.

Starter code in a repository

The stater code is a set of files that the student needs to download to start working on the homework. What better way to store and publish software source code than a git repository?

Create a new repository in the GitHub organization for each homework assignment. The repository name should clearly indicate that it contains starter code, e.g., call it hw-mssql-starter. GitHub has a useful feature called template repositories, which makes it easy to create a new repository by copying the contents from the template.

Check out a sample starter code repository here:

GitHub Pages website

GitHub Pages publishes static websites from git repositories. While it might not be the first thought of many to use git, a version control system, for tasks typically performed in Microsoft Word, using git and static websites has many advantages.

  • Requires tools that are convenient for a software developer. We use git daily. And we all have our favorite text editors, such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code.
  • Has support for versioning. Yes, class materials should be versioned, but keeping older versions lying around with obscure file names, like v1, v2019-last, or v2021 NEW is not professional.
  • Making the documentation open-source allows students to propose changes, e.g., to fix typos. It also promotes the open-source initiative.
  • Automations take care of publishing a new version. While a Word document is convenient for editing, publishing often requires saving the content as a PDF and then uploading it somewhere. When using GitHub Pages, these can be automated using continuous integration services.

Check out a sample repository here: is the source code and the published website is available at

GitHub Pages course website

The steps for using GitHub pages:

  1. Create a new repository.

    If you need a single website in the organization, you can create a repository with the name published at the address

    Or you may give a different name to the repository, such as homeworks, in which case the address will be

  2. Create the website content. There are many ways to do this. Use the source of this repository (upper right corner) to check how this one is built using MkDocs, MkDocs for Material, and GitHub Pages action.

  3. If you need to make a change to the website, edit the source, commit, and finally, push. The standard software development workflow in action, only, this time, for website content.

Other platforms

GitLab Pages and BitBucket have similar offerings.

Public repository

The website can be published for public access from a private repository. By publising the website and the code publicly you can get students engadge. E.g., if they find a typo, they can propose a change to fix it. You need to make the repository public to enable this.

Alternative option: using cloud-based documents

If you don't want to publish the assignment to the whole world as a website, there is still another way to eliminate PDF files: use Microsoft 365 or Google Docs. You only need to edit the file on your computer or in a web browser, and the "publishing" part is automated. By publishing a read-only link to the document, students can always access the latest version while you can quickly make edits to the document.

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